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A birth defect is a physical problem that is present at birth. Birth defects may cause physical or mental problems, and some can be fatal. It can be helpful to learn about some common ones.
Cold weather doesn't have to put a freeze on your outdoor exercise program. If you're careful, you can still work out when the weather turns chilly.
Beef and beans and warmth, oh my!
Information about COVID-19 continues to evolve. Learn how you can keep you and your family safe as this infectious disease continues to circulate. You'll find details about symptoms, treatment, and prevention, including vaccines.
From allergies to travel medicine, this is the place to find detailed information on a wide range of health conditions, illnesses, and treatments.
This comprehensive library covers the critical childhood health topics, from stages of growth and development to disease and injury prevention.
Information on more than 370 topics, featuring illustrations designed to clarify complex anatomy and procedures.
You can improve your diet with simple changes: Add more fruits and vegetables to your menus, switch to low-fat milk, choose whole grains.